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Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Pros and Cons of Globalization
The Pros:

  • Now for the companies there is a worldwide market and there is more access for people to products from different countries.

  • There is a flow of money in the developing countries.

  • There is an increase in the production sector due to the worldwide market and there are lots of options for the companies.

  • There is a world power being created in the place of compartmentalized sectors. The merging of politics and discussions are beneficial for all the people over the world.

  • There is more information between two countries that do not have anything in common.

  • Since everyone shares financial interests, corporate and governemts are trying to fix problems for each other.

  • People have socially became more open and tolarent towards otherswho live in other parts of the world.

  • There is a lot of technology developement that people have undergone over these past years.

  • The pro-globalization lobby is arguing that globalization is bringing much increase opportunities for about everyone and has increased competition is a good thing because it productio agents more efficient.

  • The world trade organization is a pan-governmental entity that was set up to create a set of rules for the governing of a global trade.

The Cons:

  • As globalizaton starts to become a more commun feature of world economics, powerful pro-globalization and anti-globalization lobbies arrose.

  • The anti-globalisation group argues that scertain people that are deprived in resources terms are not able of functioning with the Australians and US movement of trade.

  • Europeans are loosing jobs and that's making a roblem for them because the companies are out of sources for the Asian countries since the labor cost has been low and profits the company in a considerable way.

  • There is a huge pressure on the employed Europeans who always are alaws under the business's threat of being outsourced.

  • Corporates are building units in the other countries that are well equiped as they have done at their own country.

  • There are some experts who think that globalization with positive aspects is leading to the incursion of negatives like comunicable diseases and social degeneration.

  • There is a corportation threat that is ruling the world because of the great amount of power which is invested in them due to globalization.

  • The nations that are present in the receiver's end, are giving up the reins in the ends of a unknown company that may lead to a sophisticated form of colonization once more.

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