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Wednesday, 4 November 2009

My Migration to the North

Today was the day I completed my university studies. I am very excited to start my new job that I studied a lot for. In one month I will migrate to London to begin my career in surgery. I will get there early enough to unpack and start thinking about an apartment or a house if I could find one to live in.
The category that medical studies should fit in is social, because you are in contact with many people, you operate patients and talk to their relatives. I think it's also an art in some way because it's the art of the organs and body structur. Artists study these bodies to pain, draw, or sculpt them and it's realted to what surgeons do they examine the body and study it.
The geography in ESPRAT+G will refer to my migration to another country and that's the only rellation it has with my work and myself. The job also comes with a minimum of modern technology because doctors most oftenly use computers, and many machines for the patients.
Finallay another important ESPRAT topic that should be there or available is the politics because the country in my opinion should continue being a free country and should accept any letters or comments about certain things by other people. In brien I hink that London best fits all of these criterias and that I will have a happy life over there.

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